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5 affordable branding ideas to take your business to the next level

Written by RightWay | 17 October 2023

Branding is about creating your business’ identity out to your market. There’s lots of elements that go into creating an enduring, recognisable brand and the topic is far too complex to cover entirely in one article! Even if it’s simple, making sure you have some consistent brand is a good business move. Let’s assume you have the logo, colours and general design language sorted - how do you bring this brand to life without breaking the bank? 

In this article we explore some common branding steps that don’t require a big expensive strategy or giant media budget, but can elevate the experience of (and connection to) your business.

Branded clothing

Screen printed or embroidered apparel is a great way to get your logo and business out there - and makes it easy to decide what to wear at work! Each business is different, and while some may demand formal corporate attire, many modern day businesses would be suited to branded polos, t-shirts, and even sweatshirts. Branded clothing isn’t just about what the team can wear though - customers love freebies such as hats and t-shirts. Why not surprise and delight your customers who are frequently engaging with you by leaving some branded gears with them?

The great news is that you don’t have to commit to minimum runs for many branded clothing providers, so you can get some sample/test pieces initially. Each will have their own range of base clothing and fees associated with taking your logos and direction and producing it as a screen print or embroidery. 

Vehicle decals/signage

Do you use a vehicle for business? Getting your brand as a decal on your car is like a moving billboard advertisement 24/7. Depending on the complexity of your branding and how much of the vehicle you want signage on, this can be quite a cost effective branding activity. Vehicle signage is particularly popular within trades where both logo and contact details are usually included in the design.  

Free office stationery giveaways for customers

Getting your logo printed on pens, pencils, mouse pads, notepads and other stationery is an old school strategy to get your brand on the desks of customers and stay in their mind, even if subtly. Much like clothing you can give away to valued customers, some free stationery can give that extra special touch to the interaction that leaves the best possible impression after a sale. 

Digital advertising and social media

If you’ve got your logo, messaging and some good imagery or video, you can use the power of digital advertising and social media to get your brand out there online at scale. Examples of popular digital channels include Google Display, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn (the latter can be a bit more pricey however). The good news is that digital advertising typically has a fairly low cost of entry so you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars. 

If you make use of these platforms’ targeting options for paid advertising, you can ensure that your branding and message has the best chance of delivering to the most relevant people. Consider trying campaigns that are focused on getting eyes on your branding and message, alongside campaigns designed to get traffic to your site and/or enquiries. 

Engaging business cards

Another oldie but goodie, business cards are still effective in ensuring potential customers or contacts walk away from an interaction with your business’ name and contact details. Many companies are finding creative ways to present their business on these cards including using recycled materials, QR codes or cut outs. 

In today’s streamlined online world of ordering printing materials, you can order business cards for a reasonable price - and a run of a few hundred will keep you going for a good while. 

Need help evolving your brand and business?

These are just some branding ideas that can be tested out. Building a brand from the ground up does take time and planning. If you want to discuss the growth of your business and how the brand fits into this, get in touch with one of our Business Partners by calling 0800 555 024 or filling out our contact form so we can get back to you ASAP.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and may not apply to the specific details of your business. For personalised and tailored advice, we recommend reaching out to our professional team. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date content on our website, RightWay assumes no responsibility for any business loss or damage that may arise from relying on the information provided.